Stockton Independent from Stockton, California (2024)

10 STOCKTON DAILY INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1926. KUTllE OF THLSTUES SALK OF HEAL ESTATE I DELU OF TRLST. Soviet Papers Play Up News For Masses STOCKTON MARKETS Miras Locomotive and General Motors Head Upward Move in N. Y.

N. Y. Stock Exchange i Furnlhfd In Lenr. A i oin nit rom I and nviMKs Hank Building. vj 1494 4 lbs 1-b 162 PD 69 3D 164 4 nu-ri Can A niericaii Loeninotivi American i Tel.

American Wooien Anaconda rnmur A Atchison is MOSCOW, Dec. 2. (A. jgiven to sporting events from Russian newspapers differ from 1 abroad. American and other foreign news- Foreign news, unless it is of a papers in two major respects.

sensational character, usually 'subordinated. Crimes, uniess 01 an first, none of them is pri.atel nature, are seldom owned. All are organs of the o- tven mentioned. Spontaneous viet government, the Communist news, such as earthquakes, fires, party, the various subsidiary com- wrecks and accidents generally, are niunist organizations, the trade usually dismissed with a few lines, unions, cooperative societies and Politics, economics, party polemics similar groups. Second, a free anc social revolution are the chief press, such as Americans under- ock-in-trade ot the Soviet ews- stand that term, does not exist.

'aper vniage -Wall" All publications, whether newspa-j Stories of notable American pers, magazines or books, are sub-j technical, scientific or industrial jeot to constant governmental cen- progress, however, are always pop-sorship. Jular, largely because American Carry Little Adrertislng technical standards are the ideal The result of communistic own- tllG Holsheviks. ership and control of newspapers' Hand-printed or typewritten si Veil Cola 'ont uv mal Cuba am prof Fnl.a-Aitn rican lodge i 'omnioii Dodge preferred Utfg Famous Players Rubber ri 82 34 4S 1UG IT These arc the latest market quotation In btocktou. They are obtained at 5 oclock each afternoon, and govern opening markets on the day of publication. tuoutuuus arc given by Retail Grocers Association, Jrnuiirjr IT-otiucera Association, llkes-xcai'aon-Knuizcu, A.

W. bcolt Company, uucru-bcy-Amcs company, Klein ugucr Aicai ompany, Foppiano-aoiari, Hall and iiobbs-rursous conitauy. WHOLESALE- CCCS Poultry Aoclatioik Extras. 53c per dozen, medium, i2e: small, 34c. Wholesale dealers, 45c IJt-r medium.

35c. Itetuii grocer, wholesale price Kxtras, 4lc per dozen; medium, 31c; I small, 25c. lilTTFK grocer Wholesale, pULirnv lletMil Per lb. 47c Hens, small, ibs. and under, 8 tu J2c iaige over 3 under 6 lb.

22 foil-5 lbs. and over, 26 24 to 2 be. Broilers, small, l1 28 large, 1 to 2' ius 24 2tc; heavy bred 24 lbs. ati4 up, 36 colored, irom 4 lu Si 29c. Fryers, 2i tbs and up.

24i6c; heavy bred. xira targe, 1 2 uc; fryeis. I7i to shiets known as Wall Gazettes is that there is a great deal of sameness in all Russian publi--nrid, olub ute ln Soviet r.ussia. cations. Carrying little advertis- These Wall Papers" are made up ing, they usually contain only from! by tne workeis themselves and usually contain news of local Interest, crudely drawn cartoons, factory announcements and poetry.

four to eight pages and sell for about 2Js cents. Illustrations are used freely. iplay a vital pai in village, factory As there is little private trading Thpy are posted on the walls and nU 0li Aa'Uoors of factories, government In- in Russia, only about -U per cent stitutlonai workers' clubs and of newspaper space is given up to peasants renters, where workpra advertisem*nts, the rates for the rural population may free-which are relatively high. The iy read them. They have in many principal advertisers are supplanted the regular daily ment institutions and cooperative Journals and have become enoi-societies.

Want advertisem*nts mously popular, especially In the aiG almost unknown. districts. Pages To Speeches Saa Francisco Market Prices Livestock SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 3.

I A. Federal State News HORS Steady; loads 1 50 to pound Calitornias. $12.50: six loads 190 to 200 pound choice $12.8013.00. CATTLE Steers, firm: most good -M00 to IJOo pound steers, upward few loads medium, 8.6U; good heifers, strong; lew cars to good cows, scarce; inquiry around $1.00: few loads medium ecus. low cutters and cutlers, firm: around bulls, firm; good butchers, Jo.GUdl 6.00; calves, steady; good 300 to 350 pounds, around 250 to 300 pounds, 89.259.50: choice, under 200 pounds, scarce; quotable at 0.00.

SHEEP Lambs, weak; 10 cars fed lambs from packers feed lots; un- der 75 pound Oregon, around $12.25 12.50; heavy lambs, weak ewes, steady; good load, $6.25. Fruit and Vegetables 4- $1.65 1.85; choice, fi.Ou Newtowns. BANANAS Per Hawaii, Central America, 6J.2(a7c. BERltlKH Strawberries, 75c fancy, hiph as $1.15. CRANBERRIES Massachusetts, half barrel; Oregon, $2.00 per third barrel.

GRAPEFRUIT Tulaie, Imperial Valley, best, $525 box. GRAPES Malagas. SOcSI.UO lug; Tokays, crate; Cornichons, Uotii x.V. lu-. LEMONS Per.

box., $2.30 3.75. OLIVES Green and ripe, 57c lb. ORANGES Per box: Valencias, nominal; navels, fanev, small to medium. large, $4.25 4.7.: tangerines, $2.

302.75 crate. PEARS Winter Nellis, $1.60 2.50: Northwestern DAnjous. $3.25 3 .75 box; Washington Bnrtletts, $2.00 NEW YORK. Dec. 3 (A 1 Heavy buying 1 General Motors Ch and Baldwin Locomotive, hi-h dosed at net sains of 4 and points rp'-ppetivciy.

fcvmired the resumption of the upward mow mem. in todays stock market. Easier call money rates, prompt oversubscription of the issues of Standard Oil of new debentures, favorable trade reports and the -s-t iblishirKnT of a ivw 1926 high record by French trams, all had a cheerful effect on speculative so ntiment. Oils wore slightly reactionary. One block of J22.oim -rights1 to purchase common stm of the standard nil Cmiip.iny of X'-w chanced hands at 2 3-16.

Texas and Pacific Land Trust, which recently nil. lined a new record peak at 12 F. today at 1 Floctri-- K.frtfteratmn and Siromberg carbureter touched new 1926 lows. Fall nmney renewed at It. per cent and held steady at that figure day.

Tim money and commercial paper wore unchanged. A renewed break in cotton which collapsed to licit levels for the season on selhnu in-mired by of another upward revision in the government crop estimate, featured tin com mod it markets. Some of the di dant wheat future options drooped a or so a bushel, and prn es yield- id Raw sugar was un-cha nged. French francs i limbed above 3.90 cents for the first time this vear. Demand sterling held fairly steady around $4.4 l2.

but most of the continental rates showed mud-'rate improvement. Chili chr I i 1 like Fisk FAN' FRANCISCO. Dec. 3. (A.

I) Federal Stale Market News Service: APPLES Boxes: California, fancy grade, 36 to 4 tier, Newtowns, tirade, 9Ucb1.25: White Young loosteTs haavy bred, 2(0 inter Iearmaincs 2Sc, Lady Apples. $2. until 2.4": North- Ducks, young. 16 Uc: old, norai- western, Jonathans, extra fancy, nal. L65; fancy, 1 .25 til 1 .50 Rome Geese, young.

old, noml- Beauties, extra fancy, $1.85 2.00; nal. fancy. 1.75: choice, $1.00 Belgian hare, young, lo16c; old. I 140: Kpitzenburgs, extra fancy. 08c.

$1.85 2. UO fancy, 1.85; choice, i'igeons, $2.002.50 dozeu; squabs. $1.25 1.50; 3o3oc lb. I frtiicy. Winter Bananas, The bulk of the news matter of domestic origin.

Whole pages isotick of of hom*o of are given up to speeches on the san roAUtT ol aty water domestic and international political situation by Stalin, Bukharin, LEGALS Notice is hereby given that the Hares, nominal. f-mry, Old ruusters, lu12c; stags, 16 1 L2 18c. Guinea fowls, nominal; capons, nominal. Turkeys. 3436c dressed, 40 42c.

HAY (Prices to growers Wheat hay, No. 1 to choice, $S3-10 per ton; xair grade, $8 per ton. Tame oat hay medium to choice, $10 Vi, per ton. I I 3. 00 1 box: 1 5.75 GOSSIP OF THE STOCK iKerfhrd by direct wire by Ler, Meigs A member ot the bnn Eranriwo Slock and Hand exchange.

Commercial and Snvjno Hank building, tenth floor, Stockton.) First National Stores declared regular quarterly dividend 37 V2 on common and $1.75 on first pre- fei red payable January 3 to stock of December 18. Ginter declared dividend 20e on unconverted 8 per cent preferred stock payable January 3 to stock of December 18. I rrsular S. S. Kresge declared ouarte.rly dividend of 30c payable December 31 to stock of December 15.

Humble Oil and Refining de lured extra dividend 20c and regu- 1 I Zinoviev, Trotsky, Tomaky and other Bolshevik luminaries. Considerable space is devoted to sports among the workers, chess tournaments, and activities of factory clubs, but little or no notice Is Ten Senators Are Among Those Saying Farewell At Short Session WASHINGTON. Deo. 3. (A.

FD The short session of congress, better known as the lame duck session, is at hand. The limpipg flock this year includes 10 senators and nearly half a hundred of the house. Just who is author of the moth-eaten phrase is not a matter of official record, but it applies to those members who were defeated in the recent elections and wTuo will not return to Uapitol Hill when the congress elected last November 2, convenes. Underwood Drops Out Besides those defeated at the polls, number of Senators and house members who were not candidates for re-election are entering tho concluding session of long terms of continuous service. Included in the group is Oscar AW Underwood of Alabama, for many years an outstanding figure in the senate chamber, and Representatives Tincher of Kansas and Voigt of Wisconsin, who have taken prominent parts in the affairs of the house.

James W. Wadsworth, of New York, chairman of the senate military committee, and George Wharton Pepper of Pennsylvania. members of tho lame duck flock ln the senate which aso gathers under its brooding wih the following: Ralph TI. Cansron of Arizona. Barley hay, $810 per ton.

Altalxa hay, No. 1 to choice, ll-iu- 13 per ton. Straw, $3. GRAIN Barley. shipping, $1.23 1.30.

Corn. White and yellow, ie35.50 ton, dry basis, o. b. Stockton. Wheat, club.

2.22; baru, $2.30. Milo Maize. $1.40 1.45. Oals, Mhile Egyptian corn. $1.65 1.75.

Gram bags. Calcutta. 1 m-. mestic, llVic. BEANS price pei rtf Pinks, $4.60.

Red Kidneys, $8.00. Large whites. $5.00. Small whiles, $5.50. Mexican.

$4.85. Cranberry. $6.00. Blackeyes, $4.00. POTATOES Delta whte, $2.202.50 prices to producers, f.

o. b. new, rr sack; Washing ton Gems, fancy Idaho Russets, Oregon Burbanks, $2.252.60. Sweet potatoes, cellar, 3c lb. FRUITS Apples Newtown jrppins.

$1.25 g) 1.60: Tuolumne King Davids, Hood Itiver Spitzenburgs, Red Diamond brand, $1.50 box. Alligator pjars, 25c each. Bananas, b. Cranberries Cape Cod. oO-lb.

box, 6.60. Lemons, Sunkist, Oranges. $3.85 (a 5.00, n. crop. Persimmons.

1. A. lug. navels, according to si Grapefruit. SunkL-t, "5: Arizona, desert sweet.

$6.25 bo VEGETABLE Artichokes, do en. Beans, Kentucky Wonders, 10c lb. Kells peppers. Deal. $1 U0 lug.

Brussels sprouts. 8c lb. Cabbage. cwt. Celery.

San Diego, $33.50 crate; local, Lettuce, local. 75c. Bay peas, 8 10c. Cariots, turnips, beets, 60c for 12 bundles. Tomatoes.

A. lug, 40 50c; flat boxes, lb- RETAIL ievee. i illys Overland eomim Standard Gas Eleetri Cab S. F. Stocks and Bonds (Furnished by Leary, Melgn A Co, 10115 Commercial and Savings Hank Building.) Last Sale 479 85 Bank of Italy California Backing Cyu-ipillar California Bctiolium Shell Union Oil Richfield Randard Oil of Cal.

American Oil In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Joaquin. In tho matter of the estate of Laurel A. Kerr, deceased. Noti is hereby by the un- i 1 i I I I I Whereas, on the 15th day of June, i925, Ueorge McClendon, a single-man, executed and delivered u. George E.

Catts and Richard Laux-en, as trustees, that certain Deed-of Trust recorded in the office oft the County Recorder of San Joa-i I quin County, State of California, onf the 15th day of June. 1925, in Book, of Official Records Vul. 302 at page? 17 and following, Records of th of San Joaquin, whereby was conveyed to said trustees all the real property hereinafter de-i sciibea for the purpose of securing the pajinent of a certain promissory jimte of even date ith said Deed of I Trust, which said promissory note was executed by said George Mc-; Cb-ndon, a single man. in favor of and delivered to Margaret jLauxen; and Whereas, default has been made the payment of principal and ln-; terest according to the tenor of said promissory note and thereby there lias been a breach of the obligation 'secured by said Deed of Trust; and a said Margaret Lauxen, the. beneficiary under saiU Deed of Trust, did, on the 3rd day of August.

1926, record in the office of the. County Recorder of the County of San Joaquin, State of California, a notice of said breach, and of her election to cause to bo sold to satisty said obligation and indebtedness the real property in said Deed of Trust and hereinafter described, which said notice is recorded in Rook of Official Records, Vol. 149. page 168, San Joaquin County Records: and Whereas, more than three (3) months have elapsed since the recordation of ssld notice; and Whereas, said Margaret L. Lauxen, the owner and holder of said Deed of Trust and promissory note, and the beneficiary under said Deed of Trust, has demanded of said trustees that they sell all the real property described in said Deed of Trust and hereinafter described in ordr to carry out the trust in said Deed of Trust, provided Now therefore, the said and undersigned George E.

Catts and Richard Lauxen, as trustees and parties of the second part named in said Deed of Trust, in compliance with said demand and in order to accomplish the objects of said Deed of Trust and to perform their duties imposed thereunder, hereby give notice that thev as such trustees and by virtue of the authority in them v-std bv the terms of said Deed of Trust, will, on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1926, at 11 oclock a. in. of that day. at tiro South Entrain-e to the County Court House of Bar, Joaquin County, in the City of Stockton. County of Ran Joaquin.

State of California, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash ln United States Gold Coin, in one parcel all the said real property described in said Deed of Trust and subject to the provisions thereof. to-wit: the following described real property situated in the County of Shu Joaquin. State of California to-wit: The North half N. U2 the Southwest Quarter (S. W.

of the Northwest Quarter (N. W. V) of Section Thirty-five (35) and the North half (N. of the South half (S. U'.

of the Southwest Quarter (S. W. i) of the Northwest Quarter (X. V. 14) of Section Thirty-five 3o).

Township Three (3) North Range Eight (8) East. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. Also: the South one-half S. the South one-half (S. L) of the Northwest quarter (N.

AV. of the Northwest quarter (X. of Section Thirty-five (35). Township Three (3) North, Range Eight 18) East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Together with all the appurtenances thereto and rents, issues and profits thereof. Dated, Stockton, California, November 4.

1 926. GEORGE E. CATTS. RICHARD LAUXEN, Trustees. 11-13.

20. 27; 12-4 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST "Whereas, on the 25th day of February, 1924, Anna A. Mayail, a widow, executed and delivered to Howard Hammond and Frank L. Williams, us trustees, that certain Deed of Trust recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Joaquin County, State of California, on the 28th day of February, 1924, in Hook of Official Records, Vol. 13.

page 173 and following. Records of San Joaquin County, California, whereby was conveyed to said trustees all the real property hereinafter described for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promissory note of even date with said Deed of Trust, which said promissory note was executed by said Anna A. Mayail, in favor of and delivered to State Building and Loan Association (a California Corporation). and which said promissory note, before the execution and delivery thereof, was signed by E. L.

Mayail and Olive U. Mayali; and Whereas, default has been mado in the payment of principal and interest according to the tenor of said promissory note and thereby there has been a breach of the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust; and Whereas, said State Building and Loan Association, the beneficiarv under said Deed of Trust, did, oh the 24th day of August. 1926. record, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Ban Joaquin. State of California, a Notice of said breach, and of Its election to cause to be sold to satisfy said obligation and indebtedness the real property in said Deed of Trust and hereinafter described, which said Notice is recorded in Book of Official Records, Vol.

150. page 151, San Joaquin County Records; and Whereas, more than three (3) months have elapsed since the recordation of said Notice; and Whereas, said State Building and Loan Association, the owner and holder of said Deed of Trust and promissory note, and the beneficiary under said Deed of Trust, has demanded of said trustees that they sdl all the real property described in said Deed of Trust and hereinafter described in order to carry out Hie trust in said Deed of Trust provided, Now therefore, the said and undersigned Howard Hammond and Frank L. Williams, as trustees and parties of the second part named in sald Deed of Trust, in compliance with said demand and in order to accomplish the objects of said Deed of Trust ami to perform their duties Imposed thereunder, hereby give notice that they as such trustees and by virtue of the authority in them vested by the terms of said. Deed of Trust, will, on Monday, the i 20th day of December, 3926, at 13 o'clock noon of that day, at the; South Entrance to the County Court, House of San Joaquin County, in the City of Stockton. County of Pan Joaquin.

State of California, sell ti public auction to the highest bidder: for cash in United States Gold In one parcel all the said real prop-, erty described in said Deed of Trust and subject to the provisions thereof to-wit: the following described real property situated In the County of San Joaquin. State of California, to-wit: The Easteriv (V.) of Lot Two (2) as per I Map of Subdivision No. 4 of Stock-. Acres, filed for record in the 1 County Recorder in ol. 8 of Maps and Plats, page 49, San Joaquin County Records.

Together with all the appurte-' nances thereto and rents, issues and profits hereof. i Dated. Stockton. California, No. vembf 26.

1926. HOWARD HAMMOND. FRANK L. WILLIAMS, i Trustees. 11-27; 12-4.

11, 18 PK RSI A(ONS 60 rff 90c box. ARTICHOKES lug; $4.50 (ft 6.00 crate: small, BEANS Per Kentucky Won- Limas, southern, 810c; 1 French. 9'd'llc. I SPROUTS 3 5c lb. i BUNCHED VEGETABLES Doen (hunches: Turnips, beets, carrots, parsley, 254i30c; radishes, 25c.

CABBAGE 1 Uc lb. CA UL I FLOWER, 25 50c dozen. CELERY Local, $2.50 3.50; poorer. low as Oregon, $4.50 (CUCUMBERS Southern, $1.50 1.75 L. A.

lug: hothouse, $2.00 flat box. EGGPLANT Southern, 5 6c lb. Local, dry, poorer, low as 50c; Iced. $1.402.00. MUSHROOMS Per Cultivated, 3j40c; field grown.

025c. ONIONS $1.00. 25 A. lug; Stockton yellows, Australian brown, white varieties. cwt.

PEAS Per Local, best, 11 poorer low as fie PEPPERS-Hells. large lug: rontbern, 6tit6r lb. TOES Jobbing, rivers, $2.35 2.99 Poorer, low as $1.50: ash rgion Nsttd (Jems, $2.25 2.60 cwt. 7TVPKINS Ii'flclb. PH BARB $.25 1.73 box; Isnnihv-n.

hr 1 VCK ED VECET 4HLES Carrots. $1.00 1. ip; turnips, 75 85c; beets. 75 8 ic. SPINACH 24c according to quality.

SQUASH Italian. 50 75c L. lug: scallops, $1.00 1.30 L. A. lug; Hubbard.

75c $1.00 sack; cream, 75c lug. 5 SWEET POTATOES lb TOMATOES Stones. lug: low as 25c: southern, 9 1.25 1.40 crate; $1.36 1.60 lug; lar dividend of 30c payable January 1 to stock of December 11. California Petroleum Corpora -limi has acquired Spokane oil and Refinery company with assets of 77 SiPPL0'U through a stm 1 AN rLAN( I CO. Doc.

(A. tiunsfer. to 1:. K. Neill.

1 of produce: Flour, prinripul -t ovk holder. Llperal ions 1 iuuner sarks: wheat, 4801. will i inducted by Olympia Cali- centals: 'Min rentals: pota-torniii I'riroleum eompanv. a iues. 31143 saelts; onions, l.72 of Culiiornii reiroleum.

i sarUs: hay, 207 tons: hides. Ml lemons and m-anges, 23m Mathiesen AH. i Works de- boxes ivstork. 35u h-ad. dareij r-gubtr dividend Grain quotations unchanged, of SI on common paable 3.

to stock December it. Standard R. J. Reynolds Tobacco declared 0 Union Oil Union il Associates. Values Decline As Cold Weather in Canada Is Threatened CHICAGO.

Dec. 3. (A. Wheat values had a general downward slant today, owing a good deal to ice conditions threatening to interfere with the Canadian crop movement. Chicago closing quotations on wheat were unsettled, Vc to le lower, with corn 1 down, oats to 7gf up.

and provisions I varying 2(h22e decline to 5e ad-I vanoe. Argentine wheat exports since January officially announced to- day as iS.OTlLOOU bushels, were found to be much at variance, with a widely accepted forecast a year go that before August 1 Argcn-j tina would ship out 13(1. U0U. 000 bushels. Corn went lower with wheal and jas a result of profit -ta king on uc- count iif the recent sharp bulge in the corn market.

Oats advanced because of more attention given to a likelihood of a reduction soon'in the outs visible Markets At a Glance I NEW YORK. JVt Stocks, firm motor anec. 3. lA. shares resume idy: Van Sweringcn Oil bonds oversubscribed.

Foreign exchanges, higher; French francs rally to new 1926 high, Cotton, lower oil bearish private crop estimates. Sugar, higher; firm spot market, Cot fee, lower on commission house selling. CHICAGO Wheat, easy, disappointing foreign markets. Corn, easy; larger receipts. Cattle, firm and higher.

Hogs, steady. I I Electric sign. 2028 Pacific avenue, cost $175; owner, Mrs. A. Zana: contractor.

Home Wiring Company. New partition, 229 South Hunter street; cost, $50; F. 1. Foy, owner rind contractor. Residence and garage, cost Mrs.

Jt. K. Harless, owner; F-M Liscorn, contractor. Building Permits NEW YORK WHEAT NEW YORK, Dec. 3.

(A. Wheat: Spot Irregular; No. 1 dark northern spring, c. i. New York, lake and rail.

St. S3; No. 2 hard winter, f. o. b.

New York, lake and rail, $1.56 No. 2 mixed Durum, do, to arrive, $1.50 li; No. 1 Manitoba lake and rail to arrive $1.55 in bond. Corn: Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, c.

i. f. track New York, lake and rail, 903gc; No. 3 yellow, do, Oats: Spot, steadier; No. 2 white, 55c.

Harry Hodgers Files Sait for Divorce, Asks Custody of Children Charging Infidelity. Harry J. Hodeers yesterday filed suit for divorce in' superior court against Laura Hodgers. Tim couple were mo vried at San Jose May L. 1913.

They separated November 15, 1926. 'according to the complaint. I The nbintiff asks that ho be awarded community property, list A laundry package containing aj tablecloth and five napkins was stolen early yesterday mornir.g I from the delivery wagon of tho Golden West laundry while it was 1 parked on Channel street, between I California and Grant streets, according The Hannan Patrol AKD DETECTIVE SE It VICE Telephone Stockton 15711 Security Loan Building Cor. Sutter and Market Rooms 109 and 110 i rd as one lot situated in the Mc- gular quarterly dividend $1.25 on Ull JSU0 rU DMIlO(Klj Kinley tract, together with tho cus- Minmon and romnion puynble xi-v YORK. De' -I A.

trly four minor children. Hod-Jumtury 1 to of De-embcr Bublb- it'ferine today of sr.n.ftflft.-1 gers is represented by Attorney C. non Standard Oil of New York 25- M. Gill. Under-Secretary of tho Treasury 4 Winston declares that barring a rising of gieat emergency the United States should be able to relire of its $19.

non, of debt by I9f. Alylis Chalmers declared regular quarterly dividend $1.75 on preferred payable January 15 to stock if December 14. Siyle in Complexion Shade in Gay Paree Board of Supervisors of the County of tjan Joaquin, State of California, will receive sealed proposal for the purchase of bonds of San Joaquin County Water W'urks District No. 1. aggregating Fifteen Thousand Dollars (J15.6UU.uu) up to the hour ot 3 1 o'clock a.

m. on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1926. Date of Bonds. November 1st, 1926. Denomination of Bonds, Five Hun-died Dollais each.

Interest, six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Bids must be for not less than par and accrued interest to date of delivery, and must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in the sum of ten per cent of the amount, bid, and conditioned that the bidder will purchase said bunds, if awarded to him, said bonds are valid and legal obligations of San Jcauuiu County Water Works District No. 1, Said sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars of bonds oflered tor sale is an issue of bonds of said District authorized to be issued at an election held on September 26th, 1926. The maturities of said bonds offered sale are as follows: Bonds of the Fust consisting of two bonds of the denomination of eaen, payable on the 1st day of 1929. Bonds of the Second Series, consisting of two bonus of the de-nominat on of $500.

uu each, payable on the 1st day of May, 1930. Bonds of the Third Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of $500. 00 each, payable on 1st day of May. 1931. Bonds of the Fourth Series, consisting of two bonds of Ahe denomination of $500.00 each, payable on the 1st day of May, 1922.

Bonds of the Filth Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, payable on the 1st day of May, 1933. Bonds of the Sixth Senes, consisting of two 'bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, payable on the 1st day of May, 1934. Bonds of the Seventh Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of each, payable on the 1st day of May, 1935. Bonds of the Eighth Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, payable oil the 1st day of May, 1936. Bonds of che Ninth Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, payable on tlie 1st day of May.

1957. Bonds of the Tenth Series, consisting of two bonds of tne denomination of $500.00 each, payable on the 1st day of May. 1938. Bonds of the Eleventh Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of $500. U0 each, payable on the 1st day of May, 1939.

Bonds of the Twelfth Series, de- 9th the of 9th, certtficatm of co-partver- siiil doing bisiness under a fictitious name. situate at Number 245 East Miner Avenue In the City of Stockton, County of San Joaquin, Stale of California That lie name by which said business is designated and known is Wilsun-Schulz Co. That the names of the persons engaged in conducting such business and their places of residence are as follows, to-wit: John Nickols, whose residence is number 126 E. Jackson Stockton, California: Henry Nickols, whose residence is inumber 126 K. Jackson street, Stockton.

California; ami V. J. lervin. whose residence la D25 W. Vine Street.

Stock-ton. California. Dated: November 15. 1926. JOHN NICKOLS, HENRY NICKOLS.

V. J. DERVIN. State of California, County of San Joaquin, ss. On this ISth day of November.

1926. before me. a notary public in and for said county and state, residing therein, duly commissioned and personally appeared John Nickols. Henry Nickols and V. J.

Dervin, known to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to within instrument and they acknowledged that they executed the same. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the County of San Joaquin, the day and year in this ceitlficate first above written. (Seal) OPAL P. JATON.

Notary Public ln and for the County of San Joaquin. State of California. Endorsed: Filed Nov. 39, 1926. EUGENE D.


Deputy. 32-4, 11, IS EGGS roond brand. $1.7 a. Itetuii grocer Extras, 46 51c per dozen; medium, 36 41c; small 30 35c. IJLTTER Creamery, 57c per lb.

round, i I unNfb Sue; chuck. 22c; loin tip. 3c; por- Francisco, lerhouse. 3638c. Kosists, prime rib, 'XQ 1 32c rump.

22 24c; cross rib, 23c; a a clean lean beef, 20c; brisket, 15c; j. flunk. 15c; corned beef. 14e; iJUlter and EffffS 15c; kidneys, 2'jc; hearts, 12c. jl Small rib.

35c leg, i 30c; shoulder. 20c; breast and stew, poorer, low as 75c. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 3.

(A. Richard V. Ernst of Kentucky. John Harrold of Oklahoma, Jr-i nomination of each, pay vine Jj. Lenront of Wisconsin, Wil-j iiam B.

McKinley of Illinois. Ric AW Means of Colorado, Robert N. Stanfield of Oregon, and O. E. Weller of Maryland.

Drys and Wets Hit In the house both tho wets and drys feel the effect of the 1att broadside of the voters as WUHani D. Upshaw, Georgia. on6 of the dry standard bearers for many terms, was sent to the lame duck group by a primary defeat, whilo John Phillip Hill, of Maryland, tho leader of the wets, was unsuccessful in an attempt to capturo the Republican senatorial nomination In bis state. David AY. Stewart of Iowa, although not a lamo duck, will not return to the senate nfter nxt March 4, being cleeed only to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Albert B.

Cummings, lor consisting of two bonds of the able on tho 1st day of May, 1940. Bonds of the Thirteenth Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, payable on the 1st day of May, 1941. Bonds of the Fourteenth Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, payable on the 1st daj of May, 1942. Bonds of the Fifteenth Series, consisting of two bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, payable on the 1st day of May, 1943. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and ail bids.

The foregoing Notice is made pursuant to a Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of San Jcaquin County, adopted on Tuesday, the day of November, 1926. Dated: November 9th. 1926. EUGENE D. GRAHAM, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of tho Board of Supervisors of County of San Joaquin, State California.

By S. A. CARTER, Deputy Clerk. Endorsed: Filed November 1926. EUGENE D.

GRAHAM. PARIS. Dec. (A. Sailor has taken its place favorite color with the debs sub-debs of Paris society.

Unlike the new shades that have appearance at Long-cver, Old Sailor has nd all persons having claims not yet been applied to dress tna- against said decedent, requiring terials. It is used solely in cos- them. within four months after the rnetios to give a richer, browner first publication of this notice, to nonea.ra.noe to fair-nrnis and 1l? than tho favorite Sunburn-of said Superior Court, or to ex- I shade of last hibit them, with the necessary I Old Sailor already has achieved 1 vouchers, to the said administrator popularity on the Riviera and the at the law oHice of Joseph D. MhI- 5ilSquo coast with Ihose who want ny Room 417, First National Punk and impressive sunless sun- Puildins.

22 North Fan Joaquin Street, in the City of Stockton, burn. County San Joaquin. State of Cdlitornla. which said law office Hip muli-rsiem'il sppeifu as Ins Tahlp StOlell t.larr of bu.lnrs? In all mattes ton- idDIt lvlIICIl sta to of Laurel A. 1 dersifrndt the administrator of the estate of Lauivl A.

Kerr. d. coasr.1. to the creditors of said deceased, n-'i'tod wiih the Old 1 nade champ, nowe From Laundry Wagon Kerr, deceased. ROBERT J.

7EUU, Administrator of the Estate l.aurcl A. Kerr. Deceased. First puljlication was had on tin 4th day of December, 1926. JOSEPH L.

MALLOY, Attorney for Administrator. 1 2-4-11-1 S-25; 1-1 mer Senator Smith V. Brookhart. will take Stewarts place nfter tkr.t date. Representative I'Yark D.

of Michigan, chairman of tne1 house merchant marine conimh- too, also takes a placo in the lame duck flock of tho house ter serving six continuous terms. while Francis F. Patterson. of. New Jersey, and Nathan D.

Peri- man of New York, will doport from the house ln March after serving four terms each. This Is to certify that we. the undersigned, are transacting business in the City of Stockton, County of, Joaquin. State of California, under a. fictitious name and designation not showing the names of the persons interested in such business; That the said business consists of an automotive electrical service and supply business and a general radio If your Purse or Vanity Box arid battery business and that the needs repairs, call on C.

G.j principal place of said business is t' Denartment AHni x- uPrtinent of Agiicul- turc. Net wholesale prices: i I CHEESE California fanev flats, 25c per lb. BUTTER 92 score, 46c per 90 score, 410. EGGSr U. S.

No, 1 extras, 45c per dozon; do medium, 35c; do Poultry and Game SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. (A. U. S. Bureau Agricultural Economics: BROILERS Per Leghorn, 1 to 34 3fic.

FRYERS rev Jjeghorn, 1 -T 2 34 36c: 2 to 2L colored. 2 to 2t 31 OTTNG ROOSTERS AND PULLETS Per Ib. Colored, 3 to 3 poorer, low as 2Sc: 4 30tif31c; staggy, showing spurs. 2 5 tit 27c. OLD ROOSTERS Per Col- red.

1 7 18c; leghorn, 354717c. LEGHORN HENS Per 2t to 3 25 tii 26c; 3 26 28c; 3f2 lbs. and up, 2829c; culls, 3 6tif20c. LARGE COLORED HENS Per Ranch. 3032c: eastern.

3032c. TURKEYS Per Young. 40 lo; old. 3839c; dressed. No.

1 toms, 45 48c; hens. 4f46c; poorer, 1 40 tii 44c. tF TIDES Table shows times of high and low water at Stockton and at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco bay: 12c; shins to joints, 12c, spring lamb legs, 4uc: small rib, 50c; small lorn, Veal Small ribs. 32 36c shoulders, 24c: stew. 182uc.

Bacon, 46c sliced. 50c. Hams. 4J(U'46c lb. Fork Prime riba, 45c large loin.

38c; legs. 33c; shoulder and neck 32c. EGETAHLES Artichokes, 2 lor 25c and 3 tor 25c. Brussels sprouts. 2 lbs.

25c. iicetb, be bundle. Lima beans, 15c lb. buinS be-ans, 15c lb. Green pcab, 15c a pound.

Cabbage, 3uloc each. Carrots, 8c bundle. Turnips, 8c bundle. Frencn cariots, 6c bundle. Cauliflower.

1015c head. Celery. 10c bunch. Cucumbers. 1 Uc each.

Eggplant, 19o lb. Garlic, new, 10c lb. Lettuce, 5c head. Green onions, oc bundle. Dry onions.

3c lb. Parsley. 5c bundle. Bell peppers, 3 tor 5c. Chili peppers, 10c lb.

New potatoes, 3c lb. Radishes. 5c bundle, tspinach, lue a pound, bwiss chard, 5c bundle. Tomatoes. 5c lb.

FKL1TS Apples, 20 Sue dozen. Avocauoes. 25o each. Cranberries. 2 lba.

35c. Persimmons, 40c dozen. Watermelons, I5c. Honeydew melons, 10c each. All grapes.

5c lb. NUTS Almonds, new crop, 35s Id Brazil nuts. 25c lb. Walnuts, 3o'u4')c lb. Filberts, 30c lb.

Pecans. 35c lb. FLOUR Five 34c; lu 63c; 25 lbs. 50 $2.78: 98 $5 35. SUGAR Cane, $6.75 cwt.

TURKEYS Turkeys, dressed. 5052c lb. STEAMERS FOR SAN FRANCISCO Leave Stecktea Dally, Ueladlac Suadar, 6 p. m. Ueava Saa Fraaetaca Daily, F.xceptui aaday, p.

Steamer T. C. WALKER Monday, Wedaeeday and Friday 9 earner J. D. F1ETERS uefctiuy.

Thursday aud Saaday, Sir, CAPT. WEBER Satarday. i IUH, ru-ri- leat meals, sapeiior aerrlee. Fare, 9UO, Meal, SOe Stateroom, $1.09 te S2A0 eacS. Fer ftaforaiatlea and reservation phone California Traaapoi tatioa Co.

aad California Navlg. tloa aad Improremeat Co. Electric Trains Between Stockton, Lodi and Sacramento Effective Mar. 28, 1926 All trains arrive and leave from Traction depot, 101 E. Weber Avenue.

Baggage checked for all trains. SCHEDULE AS FOLLOW i Leave for Sacramento 6:40 a. 8.40 a. 11:10 p. 2:05 p.

4:56 p. p. m. Leave for Lodi 6:00 a. 7:00 a.

8 a. 8:40 a. 12:10 p. 2:06 p. 3 i.

m.a 4:10 p. 6:16 p. 6:05 p. 136 p. i.0;3l p.

m. Connectiora at Sacramento with Sacramento Northern for Richardson Springs, Chico, Orovliie, Colusa. Aiur; ills and Woodland. With Southern Pacific for all points nor east ard west. For Information Call 1202 Try a cup ol Herb Tea L.

T. Bong Co. Chinese Herbi A Specialty HOURS: 8 a in. to 8 p. m.

Including Sunday Phone 1532 14 North Californa St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tlie Superior Court of tho State I of California, in and for the County of San Joaquin. No. 9198. 3.

In tlie Matter of the Estate of Anna Schultz, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un- 1 (lerslgncd administrator of the es- tale ot Anna Schultz, deceased, to 1 the creditors of said deceased and I ail persons having claims against I the said decedent, requiring them i 1 within four months after the first I publication of this notice, to file1, i 1 such claims with the necessary or injtirie. iccf.ivcd in an vouchers in the office of the lerk automobile Accident, was filed in of said Superior Court, or to exhibit superior court bv th Home Acci-ihcin with the necessary vouchers, dent Insurance Company, a corpo-to said administrator at the law of- flees of Foltz. Rendon Wallace, rauon 359 Wiihoit Building, at number 3 1 1 East Main Street. Stockton, Cali- I $5,000 insurance ror $10 a your, fornia.

which said law offices the'hv tuko chances? Klx Pok'd, undersigned sperifp.s as his place Market of business in all matters connected 440 1 MarKtV 001 with the said estate. Dated: November 3rd. 1926. LOREN B. DUNN, Administrator of the Estate of Anna Schultz, FOLTZ.

RENDON AV ALLACE, Attorneys for said Administrator. The first publication of this notice was had on the 5th day of November, 1926. ll-5-ow to a report made to the police yesterday. Sleep well nights Insure with Dietrich Leistner, 26 South San Joaquin street. PEKIN GRILL ALL KOT18 OF CKWA AM) AMERICAN DISHES Private Rooms for Ladles 185 EAST MARKET STREET Phone Stockton 1X17 Schneider, lie will fix It.

Weber Ave. 411 E. HZ. Mail 10c for copy of new Oh Henry! recipe book showing SIXTY ZZZ. new recipes.

Write Williamson Candy HI. Neuralgia or headache rub the forehead -oelt and inhale the vapore VICKS VapoRub Qpr 17 Million Jam Ud Ymmrty TEACHERS EXAMINATION NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that th annual meeting of the stockholder! of the Stockton City Laundry, a ror. poration, will be held at the offica of the corporation. No. 22 Nortk Grant street, in the City of Stock-ton.

County of San Joaquin. Stat of California, on Tuesday, the 21sl day of December. 1926. at the hour 11 oclock a. m.

of said day. for the purpose of electing a Board oC Directors of said corporation, and for the transaction of such other business that may come before zaid meeting. i Dated this 2d day of December 1916. STOCKTON CITY LAUNDRY, By A. Bellman, President.

By Grace S. Coates, Secretary. 12-3-2W. The San Joaquin County Board of Education will hold its semi-annual examination for applicants of teachers' certificates at the Y. M.

C. A. building. Stockton, during the week beginning December 6. 1926.

Applicants are asked to be at the above-named place at 8:30 a. Monday. December 6. Signed. HARRY W.

BESSAC, Secretary San Joaquin County Board of Education. 27; 12-4 of the tides the daily tides are giv-jen ln tbe order of their occurrerc commencing with the early ing tide in the left-hand colutu-: and the succeeding tides as the.i occur. On some days but three tides occur, the fourth occurring the following morning..

Stockton Independent from Stockton, California (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.